
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh (Exodus 3:14)

“I Am that I Am”“I use this phrase as a symbolism to describe me as a whole. The person who is led by God to become whoever she needs to become to Invoke Positive Change!”

Clinician, Professor, Life Coach, Parent Educator,

Leadership Consultant, Mediator, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend

Dr.. Lucky was born the daughter of Reverend Winston Lucky, Sr. and Evangelist Mary Lucky.  She is the youngest of four siblings.  She was born into a family where education, although was important, was not implied as a means to an end. She is an over-comer because she was a wayward teen who became a temporary statistic as a teen mom. However, Dr. Lucky’s dedication to the pursuit of knowledge was the drive that allowed her to supersede the statistics as she strived to successfully complete her degrees, arose above the welfare system and public housing to become independent and productive.


She emerged from humble beginnings with the notion that all life experiences would shape and mold her future. Embracing this philosophy, she entered a baccalaureate program while working full-time. As her adoration for working with the elderly in a convalescent facility grew, she was inspired to pursue a degree in the helping field. Although balancing work, her family life and academia were difficult; she persevered through the many trials and tribulations of single motherhood and her desires to provide a stable life for her children. 


Dr. Lucky’s unrelenting drive to be successful led to her completing a baccalaureate degree in community-clinical psychology.  After completing her baccalaureate degree, she obtained employment in various non-profit human service agencies. It was through her work with children and families where she experienced first-hand the various critical deficits in the community mental health system. She made the conscious decision to pursue a master’s degree in counseling as a means to change the lives of families and children impacted by mental illness.


Dr. Lucky completed her master’s degree and went on to obtain her licensure. As the demand for her services grew, she moved on to fulfilling one of her life goals of opening her own private practice. In December of 2004, she opened the Rubicon Center for Counseling & Wellness.


It was during her tenure at the non-profit agency that God laid it on her heart to apply to graduate school for her doctorate. Against all odds, she was accepted to the University of Connecticut where she received her Ph.D. in 2015.


Dr. Lucky’s dream of teaching became a reality when she was afforded an opportunity to teach as an adjunct faculty within the master’s level program that had enhanced her life immensely. Over the years, she has taught various academic settings such as UConn, Southern CT State University, University of Bridgeport, and Eastern Connecticut State University.


Dr. Lucky worked full time as a Senior Director for a non-profit agency whose focus is on homeless adolescents while impacting families in her private practice.  In 2017 she made a conscious decision to resign from her 18-year tenure as a senior director to dedicate a 100% of her efforts to expanding her business and continuing her research.  She is the mother of three biological children and one adopted child.  She is a grandmother of 3 (Madison, Sachem, and Aleida).  She continues to empower and restore to the community the fibers of supports that have empowered her through her personal, spiritual and life’s journey. Her goal is to transform the world one conversation at a time.
